Prompt And Efficient Handling Of All Kinds Of Business Disputes

In any business, legal disputes can steal precious executive time, hurt morale, cause decreases in production and jeopardize your bottom line. Disputes need to be dealt with swiftly and decisively with the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney who has the ability to protect your interests at all times. No matter what type of dispute you may be facing, be sure that you have strong representation behind you from the start.

The Minnesota business litigation lawyers at the law firm of Grannis & Hauge, P.A., represent business owners in a broad range of complex disputes. Our substantial experience and deep understanding of the law in these matters allows us to be much more proactive in our efforts to secure a favorable outcome for our business clients.

What Types Of Litigation Matters Do We Handle?

When you hire our firm, we conduct a complete investigation of your legal issue, reviewing contracts and any other pertinent documentation. We present the strongest possible case on our clients' behalf and work to resolve the matter without the need for litigation. If necessary, though, we are fully prepared to argue your case in court or before the appropriate governing body.

We represent businesses in a wide variety of complex litigation matters, including the following:

Speak With One Our Experienced Business Lawyers

Contact our office to discuss your legal issue with one of our experienced business law attorneys. To reach our law firm, call 651-456-9000 . You can also send us an email.